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Engage Kidz LLC Rapid Response Team
You're in the right place. Engage Kidz offers private in-home educational & behavioral therapy services to families just like yours everyday. Your first step? Schedule a phone appointment.
Engage Kidz offers ideas and suggestions to make your classroom run smoothly, be a positive learning environment and be an enjoyable place for teachers, caregivers and their children. Engage Kidz offers small and large group trainings at your facility to better educate your teachers, administrators, professional staff and families on age appropriate behaviors, developmental milestones and how to manage these concerns.
To request an in-school teacher training, click here.
"I had the pleasure to work alongside patty from Engage Kidz for the past two years. She is by far the most phenomenal therapist whom we have ever had and we have worked with several. She has been a saving grace when it comes to working through terrible twos and also the terrible threes. Her knowledge in the area is impeccable and far exceeded any expectations set forth. Each therapy session she brought to the table not only so much comfort but patience, a variety of tactics to handle situations appropriately, different tools to incorporating learning, and caregiver feedback. She was absolutely wonderful at being firm but also kind with all of the children whom she interacted with. In addition, I was able to count on her weekly to be on time, prompt and prepared for our sessions in great detail. Every question was answered and explained appropriately with great professionalism. I will forever highly recommend “Miss Patty” and all of the phenomenal work that she has done. If you are looking for the best support for your child with a knowledgeable, credible, and genuine therapist… I can assure you Engage Kidz is the best. “Everything you don’t know is something you can learn.” Or in my case, that Patty can teach you."
“You are a gem Patty. We’ve been blessed to have worked with Joey and his family and to have worked with you as well. Definite highlight of my year.”
"Patty is the best of the best when it comes to getting the specialized help your child needs. Just like Mary Poppins, she uses good-hearted firmness paired with a magical wonder in her interactions. She swiftly builds a respect for limits with behaviorally challenged kids and helps families to do the same to bring peace to your household. Her teaching style is the perfect combination of firm instruction and whimsical play. During the very first sessions with both of my children my jaw was on the floor with what she could get them to do for her. Patty worked with my first son with anxiety and my second son with autism. Although her focus is on behavioral services, Patty makes sure to check every box by incorporating speech, occupational therapy, and any other skills your child needs strengthened. I consider her a part of my family and am forever grateful for how she has enhanced both of my children’s lives."