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Engage Kidz offers small and large group trainings virtually or at your facility to better educate your teachers, administrators, professional staff and families on age appropriate behaviors, developmental milestones and how to manage these concerns. Teachers and professionals in your program need to be equipped with new knowledge and skills for them to face ongoing challenges in their classrooms and the school. In-service training is a professional and personal educational activity for teachers to improve their efficiency, ability, knowledge and motivation in their professional work. Our trainings offer one of the most promising roads to the improvement of instruction, relationship building and personal pride and achievement. We are able to adapt our trainings to the specific needs of your teachers, administration, professional staff and families.
This years popular topics include:
"I wanted to reach out to compliment all in regard to yesterday’s training with Patty Maxwell. It was truly one of the best I have attended. Ms. Maxwell’s style of presentation and wealth of knowledge was wonderful. I would attend another if she were presenting. I will keep my eyes open for those opportunities!"
To invite Behavior Therapist, Patty Maxwell to speak to your group in person or virtually or discuss other possible training topics, please contact her at, click here or call 1-888-305-KIDZ.
Autism Series:
Module 1 - Autism and the Types of Services Available for Educators and Families
There is no “one size fits all” when it comes to Autism. This training will support educators and families to better understand the many types of services and interventions available for children diagnosed on the Autism Spectrum. We will dive into specific examples with discussions and support what best suits kids of all developmental levels and ages. Participants will gain a better understanding of the many faces of autism and take a closer look into numerous options available for treatments with educational and home-based services.
Module 2 - Autism and Behavioral Techniques
The word “behavior” seems to almost always be paired with Autism. Behavior serves a purpose! Typically, behaviors are for communication or lack thereof, attention, or escape. During this training we will look deeper at behavior by defining it, explore different types of behavior, and look at some behavioral techniques that may help decrease the frequency of behaviors.
Module 3 - Autism and Sensory Integration
We hear the word “sensory” quite a bit when working with a child on the Autism Spectrum. Why does my child cover his ears? Why is my child banging her head? What exactly does “sensory” mean? This training will help professionals and families find the answers to some of these questions and gain a better understanding of the sensory processing system. We will look at why it plays such a big part in our lives and explore sensory integration techniques that may help your kiddo find more comfort and happiness.
Module 4 - Autism and Communication
Communication challenges have always been a large concern related to Autism. Communication is more than just words. In fact, communication is actually quite complex. In this presentation, we will define communication, explore different modes of communication, and try to figure out what the best fit is for your child. Parents and professionals will gain a better understanding of how to evaluate and assist with their child’s communication needs and explore specific techniques and interventions.
Module 5 - Autism and Medical Conditions Typically Associated with Autism
Navigating the world of Autism is not an easy task. We will take a look at some of the medical issues, conditions, and other diagnoses that a child with Autism could be facing. During this training we look at medication management as well as alternative approaches and the pro’s and con’s associated with these choices.
Module 6 - Autism and Supporting Families
Raising children is a full-time job. Raising a child with Autism can be even more intense! In this training we will look at different ways to not only support the child with Autism but also how to support their families so that they are able to thrive as a whole. We will dive into different types of supports, coping techniques and even discuss safety plans. We will look at the whole picture including education, health, safety and future planning.